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Refinancing Your Home?

Refinancing your home can be a scary proccess. Your lender may require varying home services, commonly WDI or well water testing. We can help !

Adult couple sitting across from professional in suit while doing paperwork
Benefits of Refinancing Your Home:

1) Lower your interest rate (APR)

2)Lower your monthly mortgage payment-freeing up extra income for your household

3) Possibly decrease your payoff term

4) Eliminate your Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)

5) Possibly pay off your home loan early

6) Lock in a fix interest rate if you don't already have one

7) Obtain funds for home improvements or repairs

8) Possibly Spend less over the life of your home loan



Infographic on Wood destroying insect inspections describing termites, carpenter ants and carpenter bees
Infographic on Wood destroying insect inspections detailing powder post beetles and old wood borers
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